
2008 Ambas Malbec - ~$6

Though hardly “secret value” meccas any longer, both Argentina and Chile are still turning out an impressive amount of good, inexpensive wine. Fresh & Easy’s 2008 Ambas Malbec is a good example. Made from Mendoza grapes, Ambas is a young, fruity red, a medium-bodied wine with enough heft to stand up to a grilled steak. A nose of violets and ripe red fruit is followed by a palate of dark, mouth-filling blackberry, sour cherry and some leathery earthiness.

While it is a bit on the young side, I would say this is a straightforward wine rather than a simple one.

Mendoza strikes again!


Drinkability: 8/10
Price: 5/5
Total value: 13/15

Other reviews:
Just a Grape


  1. Just gone through the 2008 Ambas Malbec - ~$6 wine review. It's very much economical in cost. will try it this weekend.

  2. We agree. We liked the 2008 a bit better than the 2007. justagrape


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